Middle aged woman with laptop working with her joint pain personal trainer at Align clinic in Redding, CA

Joint pain clinic
We fix joint pain

Align is a whole person joint pain practice where a personalized care team of joint pain specialized Personal Trainers, Pain Counselors, and Functional Nutritionists work together to identify and fix the root causes of your pain.

A whole person approach to joint pain

The joint pain principles

The Joint Pain Principles are the principles a person MUST know in order to navigate joint pain with wisdom.


Joint pain is a complex, worsening problem

Joint pain isn’t caused by a single issue; it’s a complex collection of problems. Joint pain can involve up to 30 distinct issues, including joint dysfunction, joint degeneration, immune system reactions, and nervous system responses. This creates a vicious cycle where each problem makes the others worse.


Pain signals are the fire alarm, not the fire

Pain signals act like your body’s fire alarm, alerting you to underlying issues. Instead of just silencing the alarm, put the fire out by focusing on fixing the root cause of the symptoms. We call these Pain Generators. Fixing these problems is essential to resolving your pain and preventing further issues.


The North Star, your guide to pain relief

To resolve joint pain problems, your joints need to be adequately mobile, stable, and strong. Your immune and nervous systems must be well-regulated and healthy. Working toward this ideal guides you toward lasting pain relief, long-term joint health, and an enhanced overall sense of well-being.

Adult man on his laptop starting his joint pain management program with Align joint pain virtual clinic

This whole process typically takes between 5-12 months

How it works

  • Our joint pain specialized Personal Trainer performs a thorough assessment, examining joint range of motion, joint alignment, and what muscles are dominating everyday movements such as walking, stepping, and reaching. We also gather comprehensive data on your nutrition, medications, sleep, and nervous system health for a complete overview.

  • We create a detailed Joint Pain Dashboard, mapping out each joint, inflammatory, and nervous system issue. While seeing the complexity of your problem can be overwhelming, it also brings hope as we identify and address the root causes of your pain.

  • We develop your Whole Person Treatment Plan with a dedicated Care Team of one to three clinicians. We focus on improving your joint mobility, stability, and strength, while addressing nervous system issues, inflammation, and nutritional deficiencies with custom recommendations.

Featured client stories

Woman walking her dog after successfully healing her severe low back and hip pain with Align's joint pain program in Redding
  • Pain Story: Suffered through 12 years of severe low back and hip pain and was forced to use a walker.

    Outcome: She is now pain free, off all opiates, and can live the life she wants.

    Root Cause Resolution Program

    Whole Person Evaluation: Mobility issues in her big toe, ankle, and hips, a misaligned pelvis, and weak lateral hip muscles. Additional screening showed a high likelihood of a hyper vigilant nervous system.

    Movement: Prescribed deactivation, meditation, mobility, stability, and strength exercises to correct the joint issues found in her evaluation.

    Nutrition: Nutritional contributors of inflammation were reduced and water, protein, and healthy fats were increased.

    Supplementation: Magnesium, b12, and a multivitamin were recommended to eliminate micronutrient deficiencies. 

Older woman smiling after successfully healing her severe neck pain with Align's joint pain management program in Redding without medication or surgery
  • Pain Story: Jean suffered with severe neck pain for over a decade. Her mental health and lifestyle were severely impacted.

    Outcome: She got completely pain free and returned to gardening, walks with friends, and going to the movies.

    Root Cause Resolution Program

    Whole Person Evaluation: Compensating, extremely overworked neck muscles caused by poor breathing mechanics and weaknesses through her mid back and shoulder blades. Additionally, she had a hyper vigilance in her nervous system, fear and anxiety around her pain, poor sleep, and insufficient human connection.

    Movement: Prescribed deactivation, breathing, mobility, stability, and strength exercises to correct the joint issues found in her evaluation.

    Nutrition: Nutritional contributors to inflammation were reduced and water, protein, and healthy fats were recommended.

    Lifestyle: Daily meditation and weekly human connection were prescribed.

Man snowboarding after successfully healing from his back injury using Align's joint pain management program without surgery or pills
  • Pain Story: Christians mid back/rib cage became unstable from an injury 3 years prior to joining Align. He experienced average daily pain levels of an 8 out of 10. 

    Outcome: Christian got pain free. He feels strong, healthy, and excited for the physical goals he has ahead of him. 

    Root Cause Resolution Program

    Whole Person Evaluation:  Mid back was compensating during his breathing mechanics. Critical weaknesses were also found in the stabilizing muscles around his shoulder blades and rotator cuff. 

    Movement: Breathing, mobility, stability, and strength exercises were prescribed to stabilize his core, rib cage, and shoulders. 

    Lifestyle: Manual therapies were recommended to mobilize adhesions through his rib cage that contributed to the instability. 

What we treat

Your joint pain care team

Infographic showing a joint pain personal trainer, functional nutritionist, and pain counselor team in Redding
  • Your Joint Pain Personal Trainer is focused on restoring mobility, stability, and strength back to your joints. This decreases joint stresses and makes pain-free movement easier.

  • If needed, your Functional Nutritionist is going to identify and eliminate inflammation inducing foods and restore critical nutrition. This will decrease pain and stiffness and improve overall well being, energy levels, and sleep.

  • If needed, your Pain Counselor will help walk you through lowering your stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and sleeping issues. This is accomplished through a personalized prescription that could include meditation, sleep hygiene practices, cognitive behavioral therapy, and talk therapy.

Meeting you where you are

In-person in Redding

If you live in Shasta County and prefer in-person care, sign up to work with us in our facility located in Redding, California.

Available nationwide

Work with your personalized joint pain care team from anywhere in the United States via telehealth through our digital clinic.