Our company
What we do
Your joint and muscle pain is a combination of joint, nervous system, and inflammatory problems. We collect data on your unique set of problems and build you a care team of Joint Pain Personal Trainers, Pain Counselors, and Functional Nutritionists.
Our mission
Our mission is to impact the lives of people in chronic pain. We aim to bring hope, clarity, and direction to the hopeless, confused, and lost. We achieve our mission through smart, loving people delivering whole person, data driven pain relief.
Our vision
Align is a whole person joint pain practice where a personalized care team of joint pain specialized Personal Trainers, Pain Counselors, and Functional Nutritionists work together to identify and fix the root causes of your joint pain.
We transform lives through compassionate, whole person care.
Our values
This is our highest value. Our culture is built on effectiveness. Our principle-centered approach is designed to achieve highly effective outcomes for our clients. We hold to the standard of doing things well. We would rather not do something than do it poorly. We only operate in win-win relationships. We choose no deal, rather than win-lose, lose-win, or lose-lose.
Our culture is dedicated to choosing to bring light into the lives of the people we interact with.
We believe a culture of loving-kindness is a place where people feel seen and honored, where healthy relationships are built, where joy is present, and where trust can flourish.
Our culture cultivates, and only operates in, high-trust relationships. A high-trust culture breeds healthy communication, and a joyful, open-hearted environment.
Our culture is dedicated to bringing hope to the hopeless.