Andrea Read, a joint pain personal trainer at Align in Redding

Joint Pain Personal Trainer
Andrea Read

Align is the perfect combination of health and fitness. Our exercises are designed to align the body for optimal performance and to stabilize and strengthen the joints, thus reducing and eliminating pain. Our goal is to equip you to live a long and pain free life pursuing your goals and dreams. I love walking alongside people as they journey towards this life and watching them enjoy the things they love without pain holding them back.

Outside of my work with Align, I enjoy spending time with my two kids and my husband - swimming, hiking, camping, riding bikes or laying in a hammock with a good book. We love to be outside and enjoy all there is to see and explore of Idaho. I love spending lots of time with family now that they have joined us in Boise. Living three doors down from my twin sister and her family- it's what (my) dreams are made of!

Book a free consultation with Andrea
