Shoulder and elbow pain
Restore your upper body mobility
Shoulder and elbow pain is most often caused from joint dysfunctions in the mid back, shoulder blades, shoulders, and hands. These imbalances lead to misalignment and compensation into the shoulders and elbows causing chronic overload, impingement, pain, and degeneration.
Don't settle for suffering, a solution is within reach.
Align clients report a 93% success rate of reduced pain
Joint pain conditions Align successfully treats
Shoulder Pain
Partial Rotator Cuff Tears
Impingement syndrome
Pec Minor Syndrome
Thoracic Outlet
Tennis Elbow
Golfers elbow
Align’s successful shoulder and elbow pain protocol
Restore Calm: Our first objective is to deactivate the overly tight muscles locking down your rib cage, shoulders, and neck.
Restore Mobility: Next we restore healthy range of motion back to your mid back, shoulder blades, shoulders and wrists. This reduces pain, makes movement easier, and gives us access to the small, chronically weak stabilizer muscles in the mid back and shoulder blades that have been shut down.
Restore Stability: Next we restore the ability to fire back to the small atrophied muscles in the rib cage, mid back, shoulder blades, shoulders, and forearms/hands. This creates stable joints that distribute loads evenly. This reduces pain and prepares us for strength training.
Restore Strength: Once we have a mobile and stable upper body joint system, we build strength and capacity to the mid back, shoulders, elbows, and hands. This rebuilds the joints, increases resilience, and makes every day movements easy and pain free.
If needed, your Functional Nutritionist is going to identify and eliminate inflammation inducing foods and restore critical nutrition. This will decrease pain and stiffness and improve overall well being, energy levels, and sleep.
If needed, your Pain Counselor will help walk you through lowering your stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and sleeping issues. This is accomplished through a personalized prescription that could include meditation, sleep hygiene practices, cognitive behavioral therapy, and talk therapy.
“Align and my coach Kristen have been outstanding in improving my ability to stay active and pain free. This is very important for a fly fisher.”
Jim Wigington