Charlie's Story - Back and Shoulder Pain Journey

Before Align

“I had an early back injury as a teenager, and then when I did out of the ordinary physical work or exercise my low back and hip flexors would sporadically jam up. Over the years I tried multiple chiropractic adjustments, over the counter anti inflammatories, and numerous supplements. I love to fish and found that wading in the Sacramento River was feeling like I might get knocked over. My leg strength had diminished over the years. I got to the point where chiropractors couldn’t help my lower back pain.”

“It was a similar story with my right shoulder. My tendons and rotator cuff would have problems after casting while fly fishing. I flared up my shoulder even worse about 12 years ago while on a night kayak trip on Whiskeytown Lake. The things I love most to do are outdoor physical activities, and the idea that now my body might not be able to still do these things while partially retired, was disturbing.”

Life At Align

“The first part of my journey took about 3-4 months, but the recurring back pain ended.  I generally feel stronger and more fit than I have in decades. I lost about 20 lbs, and have kept it off now for over 6 months. I started practicing for a Fly Fishing Casting Instructor certification with FFI in January. The test is in September and it requires several hours of solid casting practice each week.  I do that with no pain and I have been able to adjust my casting form to how I am supposed to teach others the casting stroke. Before Align, I had to use improper form to compensate as my shoulder and arm muscles would become sore If I tried to move my arm in the proper fashion.”

“I love the consistent accountability.  I have never done any type of weight training or gym regime consistently for over 3 months. I have now been here for almost 2 years! Coach David started me with basics, getting the right muscles to do what they are supposed to do and has moved me to doing more than I had believed I could still possibly do. My wife and I both do Align and we look at it and prioritize it in our budget as a maintenance expense that we will continue to do to maintain a quality of life that we highly value. We don’t have pain now and we want to keep it that way.”

Life Now

“Last weekend I did hard labor, re-building a wood fence at a rental. In the last 20 years I would pay for that with my back being “out” and hoping or expecting that I’d be alright again in a few weeks with some chiropractic adjustments. I worked very hard those two days with a helper, but I’m just fine since then. It felt great to be 71 and able to do that without pain! I’m now able to be a casting instructor without pain! I plan to fly fish for years to come!”


Jeff’s Story - Low Back Pain Journey


Shannon's Story - Back and Leg Pain Journey